6 Difference Between Chromatin And Chromatid

Description Chromatin is a complex of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) and protein found in the eukaryotic cell nucleus whose primary function is packaging very long DNA molecules into a more compact, denser shape, which prevents the strands from becoming tangled. It also plays an important role in reinforcing the DNA during cell division, preventing … Read more

14 Difference Between Anthrax Bacilli And Anthracoid Bacilli

bacillus anthrax

What is Anthrax Bacilli? Anthrax Bacilli or Bacillus anthracis is a spore-forming bacterium and a dangerous pathogen that causes Anthrax disease.  Bacillus anthracis mainly affects livestock and wild game. Humans too can become infected through direct or indirect contact with sick animals. Usually the bacteria enter the body through a wound in the skin or … Read more

12 Difference Between Alloy, Composite And Compound (With Examples)

alloy, composite and compound

Composite, compound and Alloy are usually very confusing terms to some students of chemistry. In this article, get to understand the underlying difference between Alloy, compound and composite. The basis of distinction include: Description, Bonding, appearance, conductivity, physical properties, chemical reaction, separation, examples, boiling and melting points. Key Differences Description Alloy: An alloy is a … Read more

10 Difference Between Absorption And Adsorption (With Examples)

absorption vs Adsorption

The process of adsorption occurs due to presence of unbalanced or residual forces at the surface of liquid or solid phase. These unbalanced residual forces have tendency to attract and retain the molecular species with which it comes in contact with the surface. The process of adsorption involves two components adsorbent and adsorbate. Absorption according … Read more

8 Difference Between Wet lab And Dry Lab (With Pictures)

Wet lab vs Dry Lab

 A wet lab is a type of laboratory in which a wide range of experiments are performed, for example, titration in chemistry, diffraction of light in physics and characterization of enzymes in biology etc, all of which may sometimes involve dealing with liquid substances. Given that in this type of lab, chemicals and potential wet … Read more

14 Major Difference Between Vascular And Non-vascular Plants With Examples

n vascular and vascular plants

What Are Vascular Plants? Vascular plants, also known as tracheophytes, from a large group of plants that are described as plants that have specialized vascular tissues (Xylem and Phloem) for conducting water, minerals and products of photosynthesis throughout the plant. The xylem, is made mostly of the structural protein lignin and dead cells, specializes in … Read more

12 Differences Between Tissue And Organ (With Examples & Similarities)

Tissue and Organ

Tissues are groups of cells that have a similar structure and act together to perform similar function. In plants, tissues are categorized into three types: vascular, ground and epidermal. In animals, there are four different types of tissues: connective, muscle, nervous and epithelial.  Organs on the other hand, are structures made up of two or … Read more

10 Major Difference Between Prokaryotes And Eukaryotes Cells (With Examples & Pictures)

Eukaryote vs Prokaryote Cells

A prokaryote is usually a unicellular organism that lacks a membrane-bound nucleus, mitochondria, or any other membrane bound organelle. Organisms that have prokaryotic cells are unicellular and they include archaea and bacteria. Prokaryotic cells do not have a true nucleus that contains their genetic material as eukaryotic cells do; instead they have a nucleoid region, … Read more

12 Difference Between Primary And Secondary Metabolites With Examples


Plant growth regulators can be classified as both primary and secondary metabolites due to their role in plant growth and development. What are Primary Metabolites? Primary metabolites are microbial products produced continuously during the exponential phase of growth and are involved in primary metabolic processes such as respiration and photosynthesis. They include intermediates and end-products … Read more