Difference Between Anopheles And Culex Mosquito (With Pictures)

Learn the difference between Anopheles and Culex mosquito. The basis of comparison is general features of Egg, Larva, Pupa and Adult.

Culex Mosquito

Culex mosquito is a genus of mosquitoes, several species of which serve as vectors of one or more important diseases of birds, humans and other animals. Diseases they vector include arbovirus infections such as west Nile virus, Japanese encephalitis, filariasis and avian malaria. The general characteristic of these mosquitoes include:


  • The eggs of Culex mosquito are laid vertically in clusters on the surface of the water.
  • The eggs of Culex are cigar-shaped eggs.
  • Culex eggs do not have lateral air floats.
  • The eggs of Culex are laid in dirty water.


  • The larva of Culex mosquito is a bottom feeder.
  • The head of the Culex larva is round.
  • The respiratory siphon of Culex larva is long and it forms an angle inside water.


  • The larva of Culex is colorless in color.
  • The respiratory trumpets of Culex pupa are long and narrow.
  •  The abdomen of Culex pupa is less bent.
  • The Culex pupa has a large head.


  • The Culex pupa has transparent wings that can fly for a long distance.
  • The Culex mosquito has a small palpi near proboscis.
  • The Culex pupa has a body with stouter legs.
  • The adult Culex transmits filarial parasites.
  • When at rest, the Culex adult body lies parallel to the surface.

Anopheles Mosquito

Anopheles is a genus of mosquito, and is best known for being the primary vector of malaria in humans and heartworm in dogs. Some of the general features of anopheles mosquito include:


  • Eggs are laid singly and horizontally on the surface of water.
  • Eggs of anopheles mosquito are boat-shaped.
  • Eggs have two lateral floats, which help them to float on water.
  • Eggs are laid on clean water.


  • The anopheles is a surface feeder.
  • The head of the anopheles larva is broad.
  • The respiratory siphon of anopheles is short and it remains parallel to the water surface.


  • The anopheles pupa is green in color.
  • The respiratory trumpets of anopheles pupa are short and wide.
  • The abdomen of anopheles pupa is more bent.
  • The anopheles pupa has a small head.


  • The adult anopheles has wings with dark spots that cannot fly for long distance.
  • The adult anopheles does not have a palpi near proboscis
  • The legs of an adult anopheles are delicate.
  • The adult anopheles transmits malarial parasite fever).
  • At rest, the body is inclined at an acute angle to the surface.

Also Read: Differences Between Aedes And Anopheles Mosquito

Between Anopheles And Culex Mosquito In Tabular Form

EGG Eggs are laid singly and horizontally on the surface of water.
Eggs of anopheles mosquito are boat-shaped.
Eggs have two lateral floats, which help them to float on water.
Eggs are laid on clean water.  
The eggs of Culex mosquito are laid vertically in clusters on the surface of the water.
The eggs of Culex are cigar-shaped eggs.Culex eggs do not have lateral air floats.
The eggs of Culex are laid in dirty water.
LARVA The anopheles is a surface feeder.
The head of the anopheles larva is broad.
The respiratory siphon of anopheles is short and it remains parallel to the water surface.  
The larva of Culex mosquito is a bottom feeder.
The head of the Culex larva is round.
The respiratory siphon of Culex larva is long and it forms an angle inside water.  
PUPA The anopheles pupa is green in color.
The respiratory trumpets of anopheles pupa are short and wide.
The abdomen of anopheles pupa is more bent.
The anopheles pupa has a small head.  
The larva of Culex is colorless in color.
The respiratory trumpets of Culex pupa are long and narrow. 
The abdomen of Culex pupa is less bent.
The Culex pupa has a large head.  
ADULT The adult anopheles has wings with dark spots that cannot fly for long distance.
The adult anopheles does not have a palpi near proboscis The legs of an adult anopheles are delicate.
The adult anopheles transmits malarial parasite fever).
At rest, the body is inclined at an acute angle to the surface.  
The Culex pupa has transparent wings that can fly for a long distance.
The Culex mosquito has a small palpi near proboscis.
The Culex pupa has a body with stouter legs.
The adult Culex transmits filarial parasites.
When at rest, the Culex adult body lies parallel to the surface.  

Also Read: Differences Between Male And Female Mosquito