Major Difference Between Send And Sent (Meaning & Usage)

Verbs are words that express or convey action or the state of being. They are usually modified to evoke the tense, voice, mood, and aspect as well as agreement with the gender, person, and number of the subject.

The tense is used to determine whether the action is done before, after, or right at the very moment that it is made or stated. There are three basic tenses in the English language; the present, past, and future tenses. Each of these tenses has a perfect form, a progressive form, and a perfect progressive form.  The words, Send and Sent are different forms of the same verb. Because they sound similar, they are sometimes confused.

What Does The word ‘’Send’’ Mean?

The word send is verb with the meaning of ‘’cause to go or to be taken to a particular destination; to order, direct, compel or force to go’’.

The word “send” comes from the old English word “sendan” which means “send, throw,” or “send forth.” It came from the Proto-Germanic word “sandijanan” which means “go” or “journey.” It also came from the Proto Germanic word “sandaz” meaning “that which is sent.”

The simple present tense of the word is “send.” It expresses an action that is unchanging, reoccurring, and existing only at the moment. An example is the sentence: “Send me your latest examination result.” Its progressive tense and future progressive tense is “sending.” The progressive tense indicates that the action is ongoing, and the future progressive tense indicates that the action is ongoing but is to take place in the future.

What Does The Word ‘’Sent’’ Mean?

The word sent is the past simple tense and past participle of the verb send. The past tense ‘’sent’’ implies that the action in question has already taken place. While most verbs form their past tense by adding “ed,” the verb “send” is an irregular verb and has a special past tense form wherein instead of adding “ed,” it changes its spelling. An example is this sentence: “I sent the money yesterday.”

Usage Of The Words Send And Sent

Examples of Sentences With The Word ‘’Send’’

  • Send me your latest results.
  • We will not send the required money.
  • I’ll send you a text message.
  • Did she send a Christmas card to her mother?
  • Can you send me a link to the website?
  • Let me just send this package.
  • The government will send 3000 troops to the troubled region.
  • Tommy will send you some money soon.
  • Please send me a copy of your new book.
  • You can now send the children to the shop.
  • When will you send me the job requirements?
  • Let use send them to another town.

Examples of Sentences With The Word ‘’Sent’’

  • She sent her children to camp.
  • We sent the laptop we promised to her.
  • I sent the package by airmail.
  • I sent the text message.
  • He sent me a copy of his new book.
  • She sent a Christmas card to her mother.
  • A radio signal was sent to the spacecraft.
  • She sent a letter of support.
  • She sent the kids to bed early.
  • The judge sent her to prison for two years.
  • Children were sent home from school because it was just too cold.
  • I have sent Donald to buy some milk.

Also Read: Difference Between Spend And Spent

Differences Between Send And Sent

  1. The word ‘send’ implies ‘to cause to go or to be taken somewhere’ while the word ‘sent’ is a conjugation of the verb ‘send.’
  2. ‘Send’ is generally interpreted by many as an instruction to transfer something or someone. While the verb ‘Sent’ implies that the object has been forwarded and guessed to have arrived.
  3. ‘Send’ is the present perfect tense of the verb “Send,” while the word ‘sent’ can be doubled as the past tense and past participle tense of the verb.
  4. Both verbs ‘Send’ and ‘Sent’ have progressive forms. Although, these two words have their frequent usage, ‘send’ is often used in its present form and the word ‘sent’ in its past form.
  5. Occasionally, ‘Send’ is used as a command or as an infinitive, while ‘Sent’ cannot be used as a command.
  6. ‘Sent’ can represent an adjective and as part of the passive voice while the contrary is the case of ‘Send.’
  7. ‘Send’ is simply the present tense of the verb while ‘Sent’ can double as the past tense and past progressive tense.
  8. You can use ‘Send’ before you complete or begin the action while ‘Sent’ is suitable for actions you’ve started or concluded.
  9. Both verbs send and sent represent different tenses of a single verb, the verb “send.”
  10. “Send” falls under the category of irregular verbs; that is why instead of adding “ed” to form past tense, it changes its spelling to form the word “sent” while forming the past tense.

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Send and sent represent different tenses – the time something happens- of the verb to send. Given that actions are represented by verbs,which are called doing words, therefore:

  • Send is used to form the present tense: for example, I send her money every day;
  • To form the future tense : I will send her money tomorrow;
  • To form the subunctive mood: I do not know if I will send him money. -this can be at any time.

On the other hand, Sent is used for the past tense: I sent her money yesterday; and for the perfect tense: I have sent her money- to mean something has been completed: and the pluperfect tense : I had sent her money – sometime in the distant past.