Difference Between Save And Save As

What Does Save Mean?

Save is a command in the File menu of most applications that stores the data back to the file and folder it originally came from. The ‘’Save’’ command saves the current working file under the same name and in the same place as where the original was before.  When you ‘’Save’’ for the first time a new file, you will be prompted to choose a folder where you want to save it and to name it. After that, when you click save, the computer just saves it. If you click ‘’save as’’ you will have the ability to save another copy of the file with a different file name and/or location.

In other words, Save is very fast and convenient, as the user can just save the file with a single click of the mouse or one can also use the Short Cut key is Ctrl +S or Shift+F12 or Alt+Shift+F2. Also, using the save command on a new file, one that hasn’t been saved before, will also prompt a dialogue box, in which the user must name the file, and choose its format and location. One can also use the default format and the suggested name and location as given in the box.

What You Need To Know About Save

  • A command in the File menu of most applications that stores the data back to the file and folder it originally came from.
  • It is frequently used to prevent losing changes because it goes on saving your updated work.
  • Save helps to prevent data loss and to update the lastly preserved file with the latest content.
  • Save does not allow saving the file in some other format. It is used to Save the document in a single format.
  • Short Cut key include Ctrl +S or Shift+F12 or Alt+Shift+F2.
  • It keeps the document in the same location where it was, even if it is saved multiple times.
  • Save function can be completed with only one step.

What Does Save As Mean?

Save As is a command in the File menu of most applications that causes a copy of the current document or image to be created. It differs from the regular Save command, which stores the data back to the file and folder it originally came from. ‘’Save As’’ lets the user make a copy of the file in a different folder or make a copy with a different name.  

In other words, The ‘’Save as command lets you change the name and the location of the file you’re saving, so the old one can stay there as it was and the one you were working with can be a new version if you change the name, and can be put in a different folder if you want. When saving a new piece of work for the first time, there is essentially no difference between ‘’Save’’ and ‘’Save As’’. Some applications such as Oracle sqlDeveloper, disable save as when working on a file that has not yet been saved for the first time.

‘’Save as’’ is a bit lengthy as one has to go through the entire process of the dialogue box. The Short Cut keys for ‘’Save as’’ include F12 or Alt+F+A.

What You Need To Know About Save As

  • Save As is a command in the file menu of most applications that allows to store a new file or to store the file in a new location.
  • It is used to create a new file and/or preserve original file (backup file).
  • Save As helps to store a new file or to store an existing file in a new location with the same name or with a different name.
  • Save As allows the user to change the file format with the Save As dialog box. It is used to Save the document in multiple formats.
  • Short Cut keys include F12 or Alt+F+A.
  • It allows us to save the document to keep in different location multiple times with multiple Save As.
  • Save As function can be completed with some additional steps.

Also Read: Difference Between File And Folder

Difference Between Save And Save As In Tabular Form

Description A command in the File menu of most applications that stores the data back to the file and folder it originally came from.   Save As is a command in the file menu of most applications that allows to store a new file or to store the file in a new location.  
Use It is frequently used to prevent losing changes because it goes on saving your updated work.   It is used to create a new file and/or preserve original file (backup file).  
Function Save helps to prevent data loss and to update the lastly preserved file with the latest content.   Save As helps to store a new file or to store an existing file in a new location with the same name or with a different name.  
Role Save does not allow saving the file in some other format. It is used to Save the document in a single format.   Save As allows the user to change the file format with the Save As dialog box. It is used to Save the document in multiple formats.  
Short Cut key Short Cut key is Ctrl +S or Shift+F12 or Alt+Shift+F2.   Short Cut key is F12 or Alt+F+A.  
Purpose It keeps the document in the same location where it was, even if it is saved multiple times.   It allows us to save the document to keep in different location multiple times with multiple Save As.  
Completion Save function can be completed with only one step.   Save As function can be completed with some additional steps.  

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The function of save and save as is essentially the same, that is to save the document. However, the way they achieve this is slightly different. The save command automatically saves the file using the same name, format and location, as when it was last saved or opened from. However, using the save as command opens a dialogue box in which the user can change the name of the file, the format, as well as the location of where the file is saved.