What is a Pound?
A pound is a unit of measuring mass that belongs to the imperial system of units. Pound is commonly used in the United States of America and the United Kingdom as a unit for measurement of mass. Pound can express both force and mass; and is generally abbreviated as ‘lb’ due to the pound’s association with the Roman Libra. One pound is approximately equal to 0.4535 kilograms.
What You Need To Know About Pound
- A pound is an imperial unit of mass or weight measure.
- Pound is derived from a Germanic word.
- Pound is mostly used in U.S, U.K and commonwealth countries.
- A pound is approximately equal to 0.4535 kilograms.
- A pound is abbreviated as lb or lbm.
- A kilogram is a unit solely for the measurement of mass.
What is a Kilogram?
The kilogram is the base unit of mass in the International System of Units (SI), the current metric system, having the unit symbol kg. The Kilogram was originally defined in 1795 as the mass of one litre of water. This was a simple definition but difficult to use in practice.
Kilogram is a widely used measure in science, engineering and commerce worldwide and is often simply referred to as kilo in everyday conversations. 1 kilogram is approximately equal to 2.2046 pounds and is generally abbreviated as kilo or kg. Kilogram is the most widely used as the measurement unit for mass in most countries around the world.
What You Need To Know About Kilogram
- A kilogram is a metric unit of measurement.
- Kilogram comes from a Greek term, where kilo means thousand.
- Kilogram is the most widely used as the measurement unit in most countries.
- 1 kilogram is approximately equal to 2.2046 pounds.
- A kilogram is abbreviated as kilo or kg.
- Pound can express both force and mass.
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Difference Between Pound And Kilogram In Tabular Form
Description | A pound is an imperial unit of mass or weight measure. | A kilogram is a metric unit of measurement. |
Derivation | Pound is derived from a Germanic word. | Kilogram comes from a Greek term, where kilo means thousand. |
Usage | Pound is mostly used in U.S, U.K and commonwealth countries. | Kilogram is the most widely used as the measurement unit in most countries. |
Conversation | A pound is approximately equal to 0.4535 kilograms. | 1 kilogram is approximately equal to 2.2046 pounds. |
Application | A kilogram is a unit solely for the measurement of mass. | Pound can express both force and mass. |
Abbreviation | A pound is abbreviated as lb or lbm. | A kilogram is abbreviated as kilo or kg. |
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