Difference Between int And long

What Is int?

In computer science, an integer is a datum of integral data type, a data type that represents some range of mathematical integers. Integral data types may be of different sizes and may or may not be allowed to contain negative values. Integers are commonly represented in a computer as a group of binary digits (bits). The size of the grouping varies so the set of integer sizes available varies between different types of computers. Computer hardware nearly always provide a way to represent a processor register or memory address as an integer.

An integer value is typically specified in the source code of a program as a sequence of digits optionally prefixed with + or −. Some programming languages allow other notations, such as hexadecimal (base 16) or octal (base 8). Some programming languages also permit digit group separators.

The use of integers as variables supports programming in various ways. For instance, a common strategy is to create an integer variable and store some value in it that will influence computations or calculations made within the program. Examples include primitive instances of code for counters, amortization schedules, calendars, etc.

Another core use of an integer data type is represented in code loops such as “while” statements. For example, a programmer can set up an integer value named “int” where int=1. Code can include the command “int = int + 1”, which will increase the value incrementally. The programmer can add additional commands for outcomes where the value reaches a certain critical point.

What You Need To Know About int

  • The int data type is a 32-bit signed two’s complement integer.
  • The int is 4 bytes long.
  • Minimum value of int is – 2,147,483,648 (-2^31) in Java.
  • Maximum value of int is 2,147,483,647 (inclusive) (2^31-1) in Java.
  • The default value of int is 0.
  • Keyword used to declare a variable of int type is “int”.
  • Memory required to store an int variable is less as compared to long.

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What Is long?

A long integer is a data type in computer science whose range is greater (sometimes even double) than that of the standard data type integer. Depending on the programming language and the computer machine processor, the size of the long integer will vary. In some programming languages, the size of the long integer is standard and fixed across different platforms, while in others, it depends on the processor. There are certain programming languages that do not make use of long integers, but they are used in many programming languages for holding a long range of values, especially during mathematical computations.

Like a standard type integer, long integers are represented as a set of binary digits. Long integers can be unsigned (representation of non-negative integers) or signed (representation of negative integers). Most programming language have defined the minimum and maximum value of the integers that can be represented by long integers.

The size of long integers in different programming languages is as followers:

  • ANSI C: Minimum 4 bytes
  • C++: Minimum 4 bytes
  • Visual Basic: Minimum 8 bytes
  • SQL Server: Minimum 8 bytes
  • C#: Minimum 8 bytes
  • VB.Net: Minimum 8 bytes
  • Java: Minimum 8 bytes
  • Pascal: Minimum 8 bytes

What You Need To Know About long

  • The long data type is a 64-bit signed two’s complement integer.
  • The long is 8 bytes long.
  • Minimum value of long is -9,223,372,036,854,775,808(-2^63) in Java.
  • Maximum value of long is 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (inclusive) (2^63-1) in Java.
  • The default value of long is 0L.
  • Keyword used to declare a variable of long type is “long”.
  • Memory required to store a long variable is larger as compared to int.

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Difference Between int And long In Tabular Form

Description The int data type is a 32-bit signed two’s complement integer.   The long data type is a 64-bit signed two’s complement integer.  
Size The int is 4 bytes long.   The long is 8 bytes long.  
Minimum Length Minimum value of int is – 2,147,483,648 (-2^31) in Java.   Minimum value of long is -9,223,372,036,854,775,808(-2^63) in Java.  
Maximum Value Maximum value of int is 2,147,483,647 (inclusive) (2^31-1) in Java.   Maximum value of long is 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (inclusive) (2^63-1) in Java.  
Default Value The default value of int is 0.   The default value of long is 0L.  
Keyword Keyword used to declare a variable of int type is “int”.   Keyword used to declare a variable of long type is “long”.  
Memory Memory required to store an int variable is less as compared to long.   Memory required to store a long variable is larger as compared to int.