Color Blue
The word “blue” derives from the Old French word “bleu,” which referred to the color of the sky or the sea. This Old French term was influenced by earlier languages, including Frankish and Old High German.
Blue is one of the primary colors, along with red and green, that can be combined in various ways to create a wide range of other colors. In the natural world, blue is commonly associated with the color of the sky on a clear day and the color of bodies of water such as oceans and lakes.
Blue is often linked to feelings of calmness, serenity and stability. It is used in many contexts, from art and design to branding and communication, to convey different meanings and evoke certain emotions.
Complementary colors for blue
Blue pairs well with many colors. It complements both warm and cool colors. Some popular blue pairings include:
- Blue and orange
- Blue and white
- Blue and Yellow
- Blue and Gray
- Gold or brass
- Pink
- Red
Shades of Blue
- Hex: #007FFF
- RGB: (0, 127, 255)
Cobalt Blue
- Hex: #0047AB
- RGB: (0, 71, 171)
Sky Blue
- Hex: #87CEEB
- RGB: (135, 206, 235)
Baby Blue
- Hex: #89CFF0
- RGB: (137, 207, 240)
- Hex: #007BA7
- RGB: (0, 123, 167)
- Hex: #008080
- RGB: (0, 128, 128)
- Hex: #40E0D0
- RGB: (64, 224, 208)
Navy Blue
- Hex: #000080
- RGB: (0, 0, 128)
Royal Blue
- Hex: #4169E1
- RGB: (65, 105, 225)
Midnight Blue
- Hex: #191970
- RGB: (25, 25, 112)
Denim Blue
- Hex: #1560BD
- RGB: (21, 96, 189)
- Hex: #CCCCFF
- RGB: (204, 204, 255)
Sapphire Blue
- Hex: #0F52BA
- RGB: (15, 82, 186)
Color Indigo
Indigo is a rich and deep shade of blue that sits between blue and violet in the visible spectrum of colors. It’s often described as a dark purplish-blue hue.
Indigo has a long and diverse history. The name “indigo” comes from the Latin word “indicum,” which means “from India.” The dye extracted from indigo plants was historically used to create vibrant blue and purple dyes. It was highly valued in trade and commerce, especially in ancient civilizations like Egypt, Greece, and Rome. Indigo dye was used to color fabrics, textiles, and even to create ink.
In some cultures, Indigo is associated with wisdom, intuition and spiritual insights. In India, it is often linked to the third eye chakra in Hinduism and is thought to represent deep knowledge and perception. In color psychology, indigo is often seen as a color that promotes focus, concentration and mental clarity.
Indigo is commonly used to create dramatic contrasts in paintings, textiles and other forms of visual expression. It is also used in digital and graphic design applications as well as in interior design to create moody and sophisticated spaces. In fashion, indigo jeans and clothing remain popular due to their classic and versatile nature.
Colors that pairs well with Indigo
- Gold or brass
- White or cream
- Silver or Gray
- Coral or Peach
- Lime Green or Chartreuse
- Mustard or Amber
- Magenta or Fuchsia
Shades of Indigo
Deep Indigo:
- RGB: (75, 0, 130)
- Hex Code: #4B0082
Indigo Blue:
- RGB: (75, 0, 130)
- Hex Code: #4B0082
Royal Indigo:
- RGB: (63, 43, 150)
- Hex Code: #3F2B96
Midnight Indigo:
- RGB: (44, 0, 74)
- Hex Code: #2C004A
Electric Indigo:
- RGB: (102, 0, 255)
- Hex Code: #6600FF
Muted Indigo:
- RGB: (85, 76, 125)
- Hex Code: #554C7D
Indigo Violet:
- RGB: (91, 45, 135)
- Hex Code: #5B2D87
Indigo Navy:
- RGB: (35, 38, 82)
- Hex Code: #232652
Indigo Purple:
- RGB: (75, 0, 130)
- Hex Code: #4B0082
Indigo Teal:
- RGB: (0, 75, 80)
- Hex Code: #004B50
Blue vs Indigo: Key Differences
Basis of Comparison | Blue | Indigo |
Description | Blue is one of the primary colors, along with red and green, that can be combined in many ways to create a wide range of other colors through additive color mixing. | Indigo is a shade of blue, it has a much higher concentration of purple tones through it. |
Hex Code | #0000FF | #4B0082 |
Naming Origins | From the Old French word “bleu” which referred to the color of the sky or the sea | Named after the indigo dye plant |
Occurrence | Blue pigments can be found in nature (sky, flowers, minerals and even some animals’ coloration). | Rarely found in nature. |
Color Mixing | Primary color in subtractive systems | Secondary color between blue and violet. Not a primary color in any color model |
Position In The Color Spectrum | Falls between green and violet in spectrum | Falls between blue and violet on the color spectrum. |
Color Range | Light blue to deep navy blue | Dark to purplish-blue |
RGB Value | Varies, e.g., (0, 0, 255) in digital color representation | Varies, e.g., (75, 0, 130) in digital color representation. |
Perception | Commonly associated with the sky and ocean | Less common, associated with twilight |
Cultural Symbolism | Often symbolizes calmness, trust, stability and serenity | Usually symbolizes mysticism, intuition and spirituality. |
Key Takeaways
Color Range and Position in Spectrum
- Blue: Ranges from light to dark shades, positioned between green and violet in the visible spectrum.
- Indigo: Predominantly a darker shade, located between blue and violet in the visible spectrum.
- Blue: Approximately 450-495 nanometers.
- Indigo: Approximately 420-450 nanometers.
Perception and Symbolism
- Blue: Often symbolizes calmness, trust, and serenity, associated with the sky and ocean.
- Indigo: Less common, associated with twilight, symbolizing mystery and spirituality.
Natural Occurrence
- Blue: Reflected in natural bodies of water, flowers like forget-me-nots, and various animals.
- Indigo: Not as commonly found in nature, fewer direct natural associations.
Cultural Symbolism
- Blue: Holds diverse cultural meanings, often representing stability, depth, and loyalty.
- Indigo: Less defined cultural symbolism, but can convey a sense of introspection and transition.
Primary Color Status
- Blue: Primary color in the subtractive color model (used in painting and mixing pigments).
- Indigo: Not a primary color in any widely used color model.
Color Mixtures
- Blue: Combines with red to create purple and with yellow to make green.
- Indigo: Less commonly used in color mixing due to its position between blue and violet.
Cultural Uses
- Blue: Widely used in clothing, art, and design, as well as historical and religious artifacts.
- Indigo: Less commonly used, but historically associated with dyeing fabrics.
Artistic Expression
- Blue: Frequently used as a base color for creating various shades and tones in artworks.
- Indigo: Less commonly used in art, but can provide a distinctive and moody hue.