10 Difference Between Magma And Lava (With Pictures)


In simple terms, magma is composed of molten rock and is stored in the Earth’s crust. Lava on the other hand, is magma that reaches the surface of our planet through a volcano vent. Here are more insights into how magma and Lava differ from one another. What Is Magma? Magma is extremely hot liquid … Read more

Difference Between Leadership And Management

leadership vs management

Leadership and management influence actions and outcomes of an organization either through building credibility or encouraging effective performance. Also in an organization they initiate and maintain order through strategic directions. However, understanding the differences between the two in terms of their roles in business organization is challenge to many people. Here are the differences between … Read more

12 Difference Between Ester And Ether (With Examples)

ester vs ether

Ester and ether are organic molecules with oxygen atoms. The main difference between ether and ester lies in their structure. An ester group requires two oxygen atoms and two carbon atoms to complete its characteristic structure, while an ether group only needs one oxygen atom and two carbon atoms for its structure. Read this article, to … Read more

5 Differences between Independent and Dependent variables in Statistics Plus Examples

dependent and independent variable

The dependent variable, also referred to as the explained variable is the variable who’s outcome the researcher wants. The independent variable, also known as the explanatory variable is used to predict the outcomes of the dependent variable. In other words, the independent variables are used to explain the outcomes of the dependent variable in the … Read more

Difference DNA And RNA [American Edition]


What Is DNA? DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) is a molecule composed of two chains that coil around each other to form a double helix carrying the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning and reproduction of all known organisms and many viruses. The two DNA strands are also known as polynucleotides because they are composed … Read more

Difference Between Communicable And Non-Communicable Diseases [Notes & PDF]


A non-communicable disease (NDC) is a disease that is not transmissible directly from one person to another. The diseases are of long duration and generally slow progression. They include Parkinson’s disease, autoimmune diseases, strokes, most heart diseases, most cancers, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, Azheimer’s disease, cataracts and many more others. A communicable disease … Read more

12 Difference Between Climb Milling And Conventional Milling (With Pictures)


For any machinist, one among many of the basic concepts to understand in any milling process is the cut direction. Milling cutters can cut in two directions, conventional (sometimes known as up milling) or climb (sometimes known as down milling). In conventional milling, milling cutter rotates against the direction of feed of workpiece, the chip … Read more

12 Difference Between Cerebrum And Cerebellum (With Diagram)


Cerebrum Cerebrum is the principal and most anterior part of the brain in vertebrates, located in the front area of the skull and consisting of two hemispheres, (left and right) separated by a fissure. It is responsible for the integration of complex sensory and neural functions and the initiation and coordination of voluntary activity in … Read more

Difference Between Bryophytes And Pteridophytes [American Edition]

bryophytes vs pteridophyte

What Are Bryophytes? Bryophytes are a group of plant species that reproduce via spores rather than flowers or seeds. Most of bryophytes are found in damp environments and lack specialized water-conducting tissues.  Examples of bryophytes include: liverworts, the mosses and hornworts. Many bryophytes usually have the following characteristics: The sporophytes of bryophytes are unbranched, producing … Read more